Tia Ross | Editor | Coach

Professional Freelance Technical, Business & Book Editing & Proofreading Services

You want your writing to be noticed for your ideas and impact, not your mistakes. Typos, poor grammar, redundancies, misspellings, improper punctuation, and faulty formatting can embarrass you; destroy your credibility; cost you clients, customers, and readers; and jeopardize your livelihood. It’s not only foolish to finalize any print or digital publication or presentation without having a skilled editor or proofreader review it first, it’s also costly.
Writing errors can result in undesirable outcomes. That’s why hiring a skilled editor for content scrutiny is so important. As your editor, my goal is to get your writing noticed for your ideas and impact, not your mistakes—without changing your voice.
Request a free estimate and sample edit or proofread, and let me show you why you want to work with me.

Client Praise

Thinking About Becoming an Editor? Start Here.

Discover the essential guide to launching your editing career—packed with insights, tips, and resources from an industry veteran. As your editor, my goal is to get your writing noticed for your ideas and impact, not your mistakes—without changing your voice.
Book Editor | Business Editor | Technical Editor
I work with “Big 5” publishers, corporations, nonprofits, and businesses of all sizes to polish and perfect manuscripts, documents, digital content, and publications. I also work selectively with independent authors across multiple genres of fiction and nonfiction.

As a technical editor, my range spans information architecture, web development, content management and enterprise content management systems, CRMs, usability, database and software programming, SEO, web accessibility, and computer and digital forensics. I’m also Salesforce and Adobe EM certified.

Ready to work with me? Request a free, no-obligation estimate. You can navigate to my bio to learn more about me or contact me with questions.

Organizations I've Worked With

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